Sanskrit quote nr. 4 (Maha-subhashita-samgraha)
Sanskrit text:
अंशुकेन जघनं तिरोदधे क चुकेन च कुचौ मृगीदृशाम् ।
पीयमानमनिशं प्रियेक्षणैः क्षामतामिव जगाम मध्यमम् ॥aṃśukena jaghanaṃ tirodadhe ka cukena ca kucau mṛgīdṛśām |
pīyamānamaniśaṃ priyekṣaṇaiḥ kṣāmatāmiva jagāma madhyamam ||⎼⎼⏑¦⎼⎼⏑¦⏑⎼⏑¦⎼⎼¦¦⎼⎼⏑¦⎼⎼⏑¦⏑⎼⏑¦⎼⎼¦¦
⎼⎼⏑¦⎼⎼⏑¦⏑⎼⏑¦⎼⎼¦¦⎼⎼⏑¦⎼⎼⏑¦⏑⎼⏑¦⎼⎼¦¦Meter name: Rathoddhatā; Type: Akṣaracchanda (sama); 11 syllables per quarter (pāda).
Primary English translation:
“The hips of the deer-eyed damsels were concealed by the silk dress and the bosom by the jacket (and, being unconsumed, grew in size); but the waist became thin as it was drunk in (gazed at) frequently by the glances of the lovers.”
(translation by A. A. Ramanathan)